Thursday, March 10, 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo - The numbers tell the tale...

Cristiano Ronaldo, born on February 5th 1985.
His birthday is written, 5/2/1985.
If you add up the numbers, 5+2+19+85=111.

As an example, New York has Simple Gematria of 111.
But, look at that English Gematria, 666.
The "33 Gang" love that one!

Cristiano was born Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro.
Apparently the Ronaldo name comes from his Dad's favourite actor,
Ronald Reagan. It might be a coincidence that Reagan's birthday is 6/2 (February 6th), the day after Cristiano's.

Ronaldo signed for Manchester United for 12.2m before the 2003/04 season.
He made his United debut on August 16th 2003, against Bolton Wanderers.
Have a look at the English Gematria of Bolton Wanderers...
1110, a lot like 111!!

His first goal for United was on November 1st 2003, that's 1/11/03.
There's that 111 again!

Ronaldo signs for Real Madrid in July of 2009 for a record 80 million pounds.
His contract was worth 11 million per year with a 1 billion Euro buyout. 
So, with the 1 billion and the 11 million per year, looks a lot like, 111 again!

Ronaldo makes his debut for Real Madrid on July 21st 2009 in a friendly against, Shamrock Rovers.
Take a look at the English Gematria of Shamrock Rovers...
1110, a lot like 111 and the exact same as Bolton Wanderers which was his first game for Manchester United!!!!

In October 2010, Ronaldo scored 11 goals in 1 month. The most he has scored ever in one month.
That's 11 goals in 1 month!! (111, again!!)

On April 11th, 2012, Ronaldo scored a very unique 'hat-trick'.
ONE goal from a free kick, ONE from 30 yards (on left wing) and ONE from the penalty spot, 1, 1, 1, like 111 again!!!

Ronaldo may be a talented soccer player but the numbers tell us that his date of birth like so many other famous athletes is the key to stardom.


  1. Off topic but David Drumm faces 33 charges.

    1. Unreal!!!
      Masonry, alive and well in Ireland!!

  2. HAT TRICK, kinda like Pluto's dark helm, aka Black Hat, it's an ode to Pluto and Pluto is the sports god, I call him football god, lol #Blue42Haides9
